
what to do in Nigeria to make money

  You can as well watch this video to get more light on 10 other way to make money in Nigeria It is obvious, that things are very hard in Nigeria, but let me tell you the truth,  in every condition, no matter how bad it is there must be way out, yes. Before i go on, I must tell you that being employed might not save you economically in Nigeria. Yes because goods keep on increasing price but, your salary remain the same. Therefore even if you are working you must look for extra way of making money or else it will be difficult for you to survive in Nigeria.  Click here to  Join Opay for free, get #8150  per a   referral      What to do in Nigeria to make money There are many things you can do to make money in Nigeria. What to do in Nigeria to make money, number one- Start a business with or without capital. If you have capital is clear you can start a business, but if you don't have capital  how then do you start a business that requires capital to start,  don't worry, I will  le

How to make money in Nigeria online, in 37 sure ways.

 Making money online in Nigeria, is not all that difficult,  but you must have patience and also learning or acquiring skill is must. If you hear that people are making money online, and you jump into it  without acquiring the needed skills or knowledge, i think you are in for  a big disappointment.   My brother making money online does not come by chance, but by first of acquiring the needed knowledge. So if you want to make money online,  you have to first of all get the knowledge of the area you want to make money from. Now lets go back to the topic of the the day, which is "how to make money in Nigeria online" what we are going to discus does not only concern Nigeria, but whoever applied the method irrespective of wherever you are, can make money online. Whether you are In America, Africa, Asia, Australia, or any part of the world, with this method we are about to discus , you must make money online. Ways on how to make money in Nigeria online Before we go into listing an

Why is paypal so wicked like this, receiving money you cannot release to the own is fraud

 Paypal you people are not trying at all May i ask is that is difficult for you people to detect who is fraudster or you people are just happy withholding somebody's money without reason.  Paypal why do you receive money, that you cannot release to the own, or is this a deliberate act to defraud people. This is serious matter. But paypal i predict your downfall, if you continue in this way. paypal that my money you are holding, i made it in about three year, but now i want to take it you are forming Putin, no problem. My advice for people that want to use paypal, look for alternative because paypal is a big time disappointer. #paypalmymoney, @paypalmymoney 

Why is the life expectancy in Nigeria so low. This is why

  These are the things that can  make one die young in Nigeria. These are also why  the life expectancy in Nigeria is so low,  Nigeria has become so tough that survival is 50/50. It has not been easy for most of us in Nigeria. There are many things in Nigeria that might make you  die before you time:   Problems in Nigeria that can make  one die young , or  why the life expectancy in Nigeria so low 1. Insufficiency in food supply  2.Insecurity 3. Unfavorable policy of government of the day 4. Religion intolerance 5.Kinappers 6.Invading herdsmen 7. Evil and deceptive politicians 8. Police brutality and extrajudicial killings 9. Power failures everyday 10. Cultism in Nigeria 11. Fake drugs 12. No good hospitals  13. Village people 14. Tribalism  15. Corruptions  16. Asuu strike 18. Ritualism 19. Unemployment 20. Poor salary 21. Delayed salary 22. Bad road 23. No good drinking water 24. Poor housing  25. Low income 26. Poor health care 27.Unqual distribution of national wealth  28. Section