Make money with opay app
Is opay safe?
Can I make money with opay account?
To get opay pos click below
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This is how you make money from opay account by referral
You can make money with opay
By referring peoples to join opay for free.
If the person join through your referral link
and add #1000 in his or her account opay will give you #800, as commission.
Note that people joining are doing so for free
And #1000 you add to activate you account also belong to you. You can remove it immediately after adding it to activate your accounts.
How much can you get from opay as a loan
How much you get from opay as a loan depends on the level of your account.
How much can you make with opay
You can make any amount, depend on number of people you refer for free.
For example if you refer 10 people to join in a day, you will get #8000 as commission
10 " 30 for one month will give you
300 people in a month. Then your commission for the month will be
300 * 800 = #240, 000, that's a huge money.
So no delay join opay now for free and start making money by asking others to join for free.
When you don't forget to activate the account with #1000.
Note the #1000 the #1000 belong to you
You can remove it immediately after activation
Rules of referral
Nice one from opay